Healing the Ancestral Wound Workshop

7 Week Transformational Workshop using the teachings of Human Design / The Gene Keys / Lightworker Coaching

Are you ready for the Cosmic Shift?

Between September 26 - November 4, 2024 we will experience as a collective all 7 gate activations within the Human Design Splenic Center. The Splenic Center contains our deepest fears related to survival, our ancestral wisdom, and deep intuitive abilities. This is your opportunity to move through your natural fears, releasing their hold, cutting the chains of suppression, and harnessing the gift of your intuitive ability.

Are you ready to unlock the Ancient Wisdom stored within your DNA?

Registration Information

This self guided 7 week course has been designed to allow participants to receive video tutorials diving into each of the 7 gate activations, along with journal prompts to stimulate deeper self-awareness at the start of each gate activation. This provides flexibility to manage your learning schedule at your own time and pace as you receive the heads up to what is happening collectively and contemplate on the teachings throughout the week to notice how the energy is affecting both the collective (Macro) and yourself as an individual (Micro). As we are all at different levels of consciousness your experience will be unique to you, your life experiences, and personal activations in your birth chart. Extra support is available (purchased separately) for clients needing support in releasing trapped emotions, or seeking guidance in order to obtain deeper self-awareness.

You are encouraged to use your Human Design Birth Chart as a reference tool for this course. To obtain a copy of your Human Design Birth Chart please email us @ [email protected] Your birth information (including exact birth time) is required for accuracy.

** Must be 18 years of age or older to register **

Choose from a single or 3 month payment plan to register

Releasing Ancestral Fears

You were born with your intuition, yet it is a soft, gentle voice or body sensation that is all to often ignored due to the fear in the body and conditioned mind talk overriding your innate senses.

The Splenic center in Human Design is our primal awareness center rooted in the basic need for survival. Here we find the instinctual reactions of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, along with the body’s ability to detect disease.

Are you sensitive to your environment and another’s energy? Do you tend to hold onto things when you intuitively know they are not good for you? Understanding your gates in this center may help shine a light on some of your instinctual behaviors and the fears you came here to transcend.

We all came with natural fears stored within our DNA and activated from the conditioning field of the environment we were raised within. Discovering your natural fears affords you the opportunity to move through the suppressive nature and challenges that arise by turning your attention towards strengthening the gift aspects of your design. This is a process of calling back your intuitive abilities and releasing the chains to the ancestral patterns through extracting the wisdom gained as your awareness increases. Think of this as a muscle within your body that requires strength building, and that begins by changing the deep seated program rooted in the mind.


Facing the Fear of Authority Sept 26 - Oct 1, 2024

Entering Gate 18 Improving / Correcting.

Designed to support the individual to work on what has been spoiled and gain wisdom through addressing the fear of authority. Assessing the damage done to the mind-body-spirit through scars imprinted by others (parents, caregivers, teachers, society, cultures, bosses) anyone/anything that has dominated the individual and left behind a sense of disempowerment.

Facing the Fear of Inadequacy Oct 2 - 6 , 2024

Entering Gate 48: The Well

Here we find the inherent fear of inadequacy lurking in the depths of uncharted territory. What happens when you don’t know the answers? What happens if you are caught out of your field of expertise? Can you trust in the pearls of wisdom to be found within the well of consciousness?  

Facing the Fear of the Future Oct 7 - 12, 2024

Entering Gate 57: The Gentle

The Gate of the Gentle brings forward the gift of sound. You are one who is able to hear beyond what most can perceive. You have a keen sense of hearing, feeling this deeply within your body as you attune to the vibrational energy around you. As a result you may be very sensitive to loud noises and require time where you can tune into sounds that resonate with your inner harmony. This is a process of calming your nervous system that may feel to always be on overdrive as you learn to embrace a fear of the future. 

Facing the Fear of Failure
Oct 13-18, 2024

Entering Gate 32: Duration

Life brings many twists and turns, affecting the stability of the ground you walk upon and the direction you are headed. There is a natural instinctive ability within this gate to “smell” when something is off and may affect the harmony within your environment. Whether this is the weather, a relationship, place you are in, or business venture. This natural gift of smell along with the fear of failure helps you dig deep to persevere through the challenges of life in order to once again find your personal equilibrium (your footing or balance).

Facing the Fear of Responsibility
Oct 19-23, 2024

Entering Gate 50: Values

 “What are the values that are going to best serve society?” This question is constantly simmering within you, resting in your internal caldron where you take in, digest, and consider this very question. The simmering cauldron offers an alchemical process for finding one's inner balance in maintaining the values that need to be preserved for the highest good of all, and what needs to be released. Here we focus on accepting responsibility for what is ours to change and releasing that which is not. Do you have a tendency to worry about others or jump in to do what is ultimately their responsibility?

Facing the Fear of Death / Purpose
Oct 24-29, 2024

Entering Gate 28: The Game Player

If life could be seen as a chessboard, you are here to maximize playing the game and maneuvering yourself to advance in your own personal spiritual and emotional growth. You may notice an inner sensation that feels like time is running out, and therefore you need to make your move and experience those things that call to you. This is where you may reflect back on your life to witness those leaps of faith, or moments of foolishness. The difference between the two experiences is in learning what is stimulated through your gift of stubbornness. As part of the channel of struggle, stubbornness helps push us through our limitations in order to achieve a higher state of being.

Facing the Fear of the Past
Oct 30 - Nov 4, 2024

Entering Gate 44: Patterns

There is a deep cellular memory within gate 44 that has an instinctive nose for recognizing patterns. This can serve you well in remembering certain patterns to avoid, or which ones are moving in a favorable pattern that inspires you to get onboard. When you learn to harness your instinctive ability to smell out potential and emerging patterns and trends, this gift will serve you well in your own self development along with being an asset to business endeavors, or in relationships with others.

Meet your Guide

Lisa Richard is a certified Living Your Design Guide through the International Human Design School. As a Manifestor, Lisa was attracted to Human Design back in 2019 and set off on a deep exploration to learn, absorb, and gather as much information as possible with a desire to understand self and others within her environment. Lisa's passion for teaching shines through as she gently guides students through their unique design, helping to identify areas of deep conditioning & not self behaviours, and inspiring a change to embark on the deconditioning process through aligning oneself to their Human Design strategy and authority. Lisa recognizes that the journey back to wholeness is not a "quick fix" and offers students who have completed the Learning Your Design Workshop opportunities to continuing networking together in a supportive environment, learning, growing, and supporting each other through the deconditioning process.

Learn more @ lovingenergyrecharge.com