Surviving in the material world

The Heart center holds our willpower to succeed in the material world driven by the energy of ego, the willpower to survive. Its foundation is the building blocks that define one’s self-esteem and self-worth, which often leads to one trying to constantly prove something to themselves and others.

The smallest center in the bodygraph with one of the largest potentials for self discovery. Its four gates are unique in that they are directly related to a specific biological correlation fed by the energy of willpower. Do you have the will to sustain the action?

The Living Your Design Masterclass is a transformational journey that can change your life. In this foundational masterclass you will immerse yourself in the most foundational and transformational aspects of Human Design, as taught by its founder Ra Uru Hu and preserved through the International Human Design School.

The information in the Living Your Design Masterclass leads you down an incredible path of self-discovery and knowledge. Learn about your unique design, your energy type, and how to more effectively use your design to move with the gentle flow of life, attracting more abundance, prosperity, joy and happiness into your life.

There are 9 modules within the Living Your Design Masterclass. Purchased separately.

Enrollment in Module 5 provides access to a series of self-guided videos plus an opportunity to reach out to receive a personalized video recording, addressing any questions regarding module 5, along with additional information on your specific gates. It is recommended to have completed Module 4: Human Design prior to enrolling into module 5.

Enroll below to start your journey today.

Meet your Guide

Lisa Richard is a certified Living Your Design Guide through the International Human Design School. As a Manifestor, Lisa was attracted to Human Design back in 2019 and set off on a deep exploration to learn, absorb, and gather as much information as possible with a desire to understand self and others within her environment. Lisa's passion for teaching shines through as she gently guides students through their unique design, helping to identify areas of deep conditioning & not self behaviours, and inspiring a change to embark on the deconditioning process through aligning oneself to their Human Design strategy and authority. Lisa recognizes that the journey back to wholeness is not a "quick fix" and offers students who have completed the Learning Your Design Workshop opportunities to continuing networking together in a supportive environment, learning, growing, and supporting each other through the deconditioning process.

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