More Than Existing™

Lightworker Certification - Level 1

Wednesday Evenings
6:30pm - 8:00pm MST
January 22 - July 2, 2025

More Than Existing™ Lightworker Certification is a self-actualization coaching program designed to help you see and believe in yourself, by learning to make you a priority, and to truly understand that you matter!

This is an opportunity to invest in yourself and bond with others who are also committed to living a life of More Than 'just' Existing.

The Level 1 More Than Existing Lightworker Certification is packed full of self help tools, proven methods to assist in removing blockages, and guidance as you learn to empower yourself to build a strong foundation and claim back your power, light, and worth.

There are 4 Levels in total within More Than Existing where students can work towards certification as a More Than Existing Lightworker Coach, or choose to take certain Levels for personal self empowerment only.

Level 1 Certification Outline

Level 1 of the More Than Existing™ Lightworker Certification Program consists of 22 lessons (plus bonus material) that bring students through a journey from Shadow Self to True Self.

Identity & Values

Explore the patterns around your identity and the value placed upon yourself, based around the perceptions others place upon you.

Habits, Beliefs & Behaviors

In your journey to self discovery, clarity becomes an important part. Beliefs are convictions that we hold true to us. Habits are repetitive behaviors that become involuntary action. Distinguishing between the good and the bad are important to the growth of you and your business. Behaviour patterns are created around the personality, habits and beliefs that have been created by what you have seen, heard, and experienced. This is one of the many reasons it is important to become aware of the habits and beliefs that affect your behaviours so that you are not allowing ego to step in front of your work. Becoming aware and clear allows us to become consciously aware of how we present ourselves to the world. Clarity removes the confusion that keeps diluting your dreams.

Addressing Fear

Spiritual Fearlessness is an awareness of the value of your importance, and discovering the value you provide on yourself, and the world you live in. Acknowledging your value without ego is fearless. The thought of loss or losing brings about fear and desperation. Fearless is a mindful act of being mindless, a letting go of all that you were taught to fear in the early stages of life that still have a control over your habits and behaviors. Placing problems before solutions is a fear-based way to live.

Trusting Your Intuition & Understanding Instincts

It is important to get really clear on what stops us in our tracks, pushes us, and guides us. It is equally important to recognize when we are operating in fight or flight brain as fear and lack of faith in ourselves can creep into the most confident, strong mindset.

Strengthen Your Faith in Self

Truest of true, is the truth beyond the stories we tell ourselves that become the survivors, the victim, the repeat, the happy story. Whatever it may be that is your “truth”. The true self means acceptance of the truth within that may take us to some of the most uncomfortable places, but opens us up to living from the place of always seeking the truth behind the protection, behind the ancestral stories, and asking yourself everyday, “What is my truth?”

Explore Past-Life Healing

Returning to past appeasing reactivates trauma is like an alarm system going off in the mind and nervous system. The longer it’s going off the more frustrated we become. We have made a habit of appeasing the comforts of our lives to avoid reactivating the stories we have suppressed. Real positivity is not in the pleasing and smoothing over as we may have been conditioned to believe, or the use of humor and sarcasm to mask the pain. Spiritual healing is the spirit inside breaking through the pain and providing a feeling of uncomfortableness as it’s light starts to shine light upon what we try to hide the most, ourselves! 

Understanding Archetypes

The soul contracts are the contributing part of the human experience and the stories we live in during the time we are here on earth but can be a continual story of another lifetime that has the invisible thread still attached. Each story has characters or roles that you and others involved are playing, these are the character archetypes, and you will often see these characters in tarot cards. In Jungian psychology, and with the forefathers of psychoanalysis, such as Carl Jung or Joseph Campbell and his “Hero’s Journey” theory they discuss the not so unique unconscious roles we play from stories and myths that when copied or repeated enough become habitual to the roles we play.

Understanding Spiritual Contracts

Remember that old saying, “You made a deal with the devil?” or “You made your bed, lay in it?” those are what we refer to as human fear contracts. Then there are the binding contracts in the human way of learning to stay in integrity. The contracts we are exploring are the soul contracts we create when we are still in the spirit form. We have a wholeness, a light, and vast years of experience along with strengths, weaknesses, talents, and knowledge. We also have patterns, habits, beliefs, and relationships that have not yet come full circle. We have created some blockages or lead the past to be very directed and developed in some areas and underdeveloped in others. Understanding contracts means becoming aware of role playing and which character you are participating in, in addition to roles others may be playing in your life.

The Power of Words. How to Change Your Language to Support a Healthy You.

Words are a language, consisting of spoken sounds and written to represent meanings of consistency in a collective world. Independently, combined, projected, or spoken with emotion, words and meanings change and project a vibrational attachment. Humans gave words value and attached them to feelings such as: good, bad, happy, or sad. Deep connection and bonds can be made or broken with the use of words, and we are often unaware of words that trigger our brain and hearts to respond in certain ways to feed an old story. Conveying your story back to yourself, your friends/family and life will be perceived in the way they hear it or the way they read it based on their emotional energy at that time.

Remove Barrier's Towards Increased Wealth & Worthiness

You arrived at this point with a foundation of the stories and experiences of life, but as we are just doing what needs to be done, we forget the journey we are actually taking includes the importance of us. You are the water that changes the mortar from dry dust to a sticky consistency. The amount of water we add changes the consistency and like all balance, to much or to little, the mixture will not stay together and bond. Like emotions and the words of the stories. Finding the balance is the beginning and creating a blueprint with the option to add on by having a large enough canvas, allowing room for expansion, and making the lines erasable and extendable, becomes the beginning of an imperfect but perfect empire.

Create a Strong Foundation for Your Life

Have you ever wondered what materials created your walls, how they have so many years of substantial substance? Take a look at the structures that have provided us safety and notice that the most beautiful part of the structure is on the outside for the world to see. What is protected on the inside starts so plain and blank and is kept for only those who are invited in to see the look that is created on the blank structure.

How To Build the Life You Want to Live

The view of your life and clarity on the view that is pleasing not just to the eye but most importantly to the heart and soul is a very important part of the build. Obstacles and blocked views will eventually frustrate you and you will find yourself having to go back and revisit or restructure again. Just as important will be the doors and their placement. Will you make the front door out into the world of the unknown your most used door or will your back door to the hidden, private comfort be the door you allow others to use, or will it become the private view of your sacred space? How much light do you want to allow in and how many windows will open to allow the breeze to flow?

What Are Universal Laws?

In the universe and in the human world there are laws and rules set to bind, protect, and connect us. Sadly, there are laws and rules that are human based to fear and control us. Self-discovery opens us to the free will choice and the ability to connect to our own intuition and instincts. This is our higher self-thinking and the place that allows us to move past the shadows of fear and into the light of trust, faith, and love. 

Understanding The Energetic Body

We are energy. People, and things around you are energy. Yes, everything including the channel, healing techniques, your voice, and the words and thoughts that flow. If you want to live a life of spiritual awareness, an awareness of energy is of the utmost importance. Becoming aware of the multi dimensional world we live in. Paying attention to the signs, synchronicities and hits you receive including your gut feelings. Most importantly paying attention to the personality traits, behaviors of others, and the influence they have upon you, your relationships, even your work habits. So many aspects go into spiritual work and staying aware of your surroundings. It starts with creating the healthy practices around you and your life. 

Harnessing the Power of Love

When you project out love even to your hurt and pain you infuse healing, love, and light. When asked what my most powerful gift is, it is love! The push, hurt, and anger we project out into the universe, our job, money, and to our family issues takes us from the flow and away from the enjoyment of seeing the miracles and blessings. Most importantly it takes us further from the projected plan that is divinely happening to give us a life we need as part of the human experience. Knowledge, education, and technology all have the possibility to be a part of the flow and messages of love. You have the choice and free will to make it all a part of the package.

Creating a Maintenance Plan for Your Life

When we look at how big we want our outside world to become there are so many things to consider. It is important to know what you are capable of handling so that it does not get over run. We are working on the upkeep and maintenance. This is when we plant the seeds and start creating the outside life. The roles we will choose, the dedication it will take, and gaining the necessary skillset. Will you have time to water and nurture what you plant, do you have the finances or awareness of the availability of possible funding?

Forecasting & Projecting Healthy Goals

We can create the blueprint and landscape it, but if we never face the direction of the most beautiful part or get so far ahead that you are watching through the next sunrise and always missing the sunset you will always be out of balance. Forecasting is making predictions that are as accurate as can be humanly possible about a future event or opportunity. Planning is setting into action both the goals and the forecasted data and information that has been collected. Goals are what you would like to see happen and is sometimes based on our dreams and not always on the forecast and well thought out planning. Making short term and long-term goals forecasting can really help take away the fears of stopping before completion.

Set Yourself Up for Success!

You made a choice to grow, expand, and live a life vulnerable and exposed to release the parts of you that have been living in the shadows. To open yourself to the endless possibilities and opportunities to grow and expand. Most of all you really have learned the importance of building a strong foundation, to expose and deal with the cracks, not to just patch and cover them up, until the temporary band aid falls off again! You are all perfect the way you are today but now you have become aware that your attitude, ownership, upkeep, and maintenance is of the utmost importance. You are the one who sells, promotes, and decides the value of this new empire! You are the one who now chooses the words to describe the identity of all that you have created, and your book of rules are yours to make!

Awaken The Light Within

More Than Existing™
Lightworker Certification - Level 1
Wednesday Evenings
6:30pm - 8:00pm MST
January 22 - July 2, 2025

Ready to register? Choose your preferred payment plan from the options below

** Must be 18 years of age or older to register **

Hi, I'm Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”

I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.

I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.

Much love, Corrie